The History of Taekwondo Movies Characteristics in Korea 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 태권도 영화의 시대별 변화와 특성
김이슬YiSeulKim , 김주연JooYounKim
53(5) 1-9, 2014
The History of Taekwondo Movies Characteristics in Korea 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 태권도 영화의 시대별 변화와 특성
김이슬YiSeulKim , 김주연JooYounKim
The cultural aspect of Taekwondo is receiving very positive response as well with its popular cultural elements. Specially, movies on Taekwondo started receiving attention since the Taekwondo competition started to progress in 1960’s. The Taekwondo movies spread to the public while exhibiting various characteristics from 1960’s to 2000’s and became a cultural connecting link for Taekwondo to interact with the public. The chronological history process and characteristics of Korean Taekwondo culture examined through the flow of Taekwondo movie are as follows. First, the Taekwondo movie was first introduced in 1960’s. Secondly, the Taekwondo movies were a box office hit in 1970’s. As total 17 Taekwondo movies were produced in 1970’s alone, the box office success of Taekwondo movies reached its peak along with the popularity of Taekwondo. Thirdly, the Taekwondo movies of 1980’s became invigorated under the influence of the development of Taekwondo game as a demonstration sport in the 1988 Seoul Olympics. Fourthly, Taekwondo became a daily life sport in 1990’s, the number of children trainees increased and Taekwondo movies chose themes for children as the main topic. Fifthly, the Taekwondo movies in 2000’s directly suggested the humanistic educational aspect.
Key Words
Taekwondo, Taekwondo movies, Taekwondo cultures, Taekwondo history
A Study on the Establishment of the American YMCA Physical Department and Its Physical Activities (Ⅰ): Focusing on its Organization and Characteristics 인문,사회과학편 : 미국 YMCA 체육부의 설립과 체육활동에 관한 연구(Ⅰ) -체육부 조직 및 성격을 중심으로-
이가람KaRamLee , 하정희JungHeeHa
53(5) 11-21, 2014
A Study on the Establishment of the American YMCA Physical Department and Its Physical Activities (Ⅰ): Focusing on its Organization and Characteristics 인문,사회과학편 : 미국 YMCA 체육부의 설립과 체육활동에 관한 연구(Ⅰ) -체육부 조직 및 성격을 중심으로-
이가람KaRamLee , 하정희JungHeeHa
This study investigates under what circumstances the physical department of the YMCA was established and what characteristics it had by focusing on its organization system and budget in order to identify the department. First of all, the physical department was established in 1877 because the YMCA formalized physical business work as a fundamental to preach the gospel. It proclaimed the thoughts of physical education to achieve its goal of producing the whole Christians, through which the YMCA's physical business gained its validity. Secondly, it consisted of board of director, the committee and the council of physical department, and a training school for leaders. Its whole physical business work was supervised by committee composed of executors and physical directors engaged in actual work duties. Thirdly, the budget concerned was based on thorough review on profits and expenses of the previous year and demands of improvement for physical equipment and supervision. The expansion of physical business work referred to the increase of its budget based on registration fee, which secured financial stability of the whole YMCA business work.
Key Words
y.m.c.a, physical department, physical directors
A Study on Football Tournaments` Sponsorship and Hosting of Newspapers run by the Koreans under Japanese period 인문,사회과학편 : 일제하 조선인 경영신문의 축구대회 후원과 개최에 관한 연구
53(5) 23-34, 2014
A Study on Football Tournaments` Sponsorship and Hosting of Newspapers run by the Koreans under Japanese period 인문,사회과학편 : 일제하 조선인 경영신문의 축구대회 후원과 개최에 관한 연구
This study investigates under what circumstances the physical department of the YMCA was established and what characteristics it had by focusing on its organization system and budget in order to identify the department. First of all, the physical department was established in 1877 because the YMCA formalized physical business work as a fundamental to preach the gospel. It proclaimed the thoughts of physical education to achieve its goal of producing the whole Christians, through which the YMCA's physical business gained its validity. Secondly, it consisted of board of director, the committee and the council of physical department, and a training school for leaders. Its whole physical business work was supervised by committee composed of executors and physical directors engaged in actual work duties. Thirdly, the budget concerned was based on thorough review on profits and expenses of the previous year and demands of improvement for physical equipment and supervision. The expansion of physical business work referred to the increase of its budget based on registration fee, which secured financial stability of the whole YMCA business work.
Key Words
newspaper, sponsorship, football
A Life of Football Referee in Korea, Kim Hwa-Jip 인문,사회과학편 : 축구심판 김화집의 삶
김민철MinChulKim , 정우수WooSooJung , 오현택HyunTaekOh
53(5) 35-45, 2014
A Life of Football Referee in Korea, Kim Hwa-Jip 인문,사회과학편 : 축구심판 김화집의 삶
김민철MinChulKim , 정우수WooSooJung , 오현택HyunTaekOh
The purpose of this study was to present a good example to Korean football referee by following-up survey the life story as a football referee of Kim Hwa-Jip who inducted to Korea Football Hall of Fame in 2005. The documentary records that related with his activity as a football referee were collected and this collected data was confirmed by the interview with his family member. The main results of this study were as follow: First, he was an excellent football player that could be selected three times as a member of the Seoul football team. Second, he started his career as a football referee when still young in his mid-20s, because he didn't have enough physical ability as a football player and Korea Football Association that new established in that time attracted him as a central person in referee division. Third, he frequently refereed the big game that had a bitter competition and drew public attention, because he was strictly fair and a man of high integrity that essential quality for referee. Forth, he was an international football referee in Korea who officially approved by FIFA and acted a referee in many international match in those days. Finally, he contributed to the education of referee for cultivating successor by performing a role of a match supervisor and an instructor in referee workshop.
Key Words
football referee, Life story, Kim Hwa-Jip
A Study on Kumdo Philosophy through the Life of Kumdo Player Do Ho-Moon 인문,사회과학편 : 검도인 도호문의 생애를 통한 검도사상 연구
강덕래DukRaeKang , 황옥철OkChulHwang
53(5) 47-58, 2014
A Study on Kumdo Philosophy through the Life of Kumdo Player Do Ho-Moon 인문,사회과학편 : 검도인 도호문의 생애를 통한 검도사상 연구
강덕래DukRaeKang , 황옥철OkChulHwang
This study has the purpose of proving and establishing the kumdo philosophy of Do Ho-Moon through the life and kumdo thought of him. Study methodology uses literature research and interview. The results are as follows. First, there is practice of life-long kumdo by self-complacency through training. Second, seeks big and righteous kumdo. Third, needs a righteous man before a kumdo player. Do Ho-Moon argued that kumdo has to exist not as a martial arts to win the opponent but as that pursues the Way through realistic procedure of intense training. As gaining the pride by diligently intense training, the confidence about life can be maintained. He said that the righteous attitude, righteous speech, consideration for others, and politeness gained through such training are the characters that a kumdo player must keep in mind. These kumdo philosophy of Do Ho-Moon suggests the principal direction that the Korean Kumdo Association needs to follow, and not only being acknowledged as the principle theory but also needs to be practiced. To continuously widen its influence of Korean kumdo and establish its position in the world, this first task is that the practice of the kumdo philosophy of Do Ho-Moon applies. Also, more philosophy studies of original kumdo players are necessary to establish every individual philosophy of kumdo.
Key Words
Do Ho-Moon, Kumdo, Kumdo Philogophy, biographical study
Satisfaction and Loyalty Golf Course, is the Impact Revisit Images 인문,사회과학편 : 골프장 이용만족도와 충성도, 이미지가 재방문의도에 미치는 영향
김명배MyoungBaeKim , 유종상JongSangYoo
53(5) 59-66, 2014
Satisfaction and Loyalty Golf Course, is the Impact Revisit Images 인문,사회과학편 : 골프장 이용만족도와 충성도, 이미지가 재방문의도에 미치는 영향
김명배MyoungBaeKim , 유종상JongSangYoo
This study is also of course customers visit their impact factor, satisfaction, loyalty, and images were created as independent variables the research model, to visit the golf course Intention to revisit the plan to increase the number of implications for marketing proposed. For this purpose, a frequency analysis on questions (frequency analysis) and then subjected to factor analysis, two factors combined within a category of properties to determine if they have internal consistency reliability for the validation (Cronbach's a) was carried out. Therefore, the development and course customers want the best quality of service available in the facility should be developed prior to the thorough market research, diverse and differentiated programs, staff training, operations management, price, etc. should be prepared comprehensively. Users' satisfaction with the golf course and regular images, loyalty is to revisit the assessment can boost should take measures to quickly and effectively, and even trivial information specific to the customer's Information (DB) to take advantage of relationship marketing (CRM) is continues to be attempted. In addition, compared to the competitors in the market and make adjustments to the existing emphasis will need to take effective measures to positioning.
Key Words
Satisfaction, Loyalty, Revisit, Image
Types for Exercise Drop-out of Shooting Athletes through Capital and Distinctions between Elite Sports Coaches 인문,사회과학편 : 사격선수들의 자본을 통한 운동중단 유형과 엘리트스포츠 지도자로서 구별짓기
53(5) 67-79, 2014
Types for Exercise Drop-out of Shooting Athletes through Capital and Distinctions between Elite Sports Coaches 인문,사회과학편 : 사격선수들의 자본을 통한 운동중단 유형과 엘리트스포츠 지도자로서 구별짓기
The purpose of this research is to examine the types for exercise drop-out of shooting Coaches Time athletes through capital and how the distinctions between shooting coaches activity are made. The results of this research performed in this way are as follows. First, the types for exercise drop-out through economic capital were found to include job uncertainty, uncertain future, and the burden of support fund. Second, the types for exercise drop-out through cultural capital were found to include awareness of necessity of acquiring degrees and certificates, decline in sports skills. Third, the types for exercise drop-out through social capital were found to include conflicts in interpersonal relationships with surrounding people and the confidence in coaches, the lack of personal activities. Fourth, the types for exercise drop-out through symbolic capital were found to include confusion in identity, re-challenge, winning high rank. In the distinctions between shooting coaches, first, business team coaches were found to have powerful positions and exert direct influence compared with student team coaches. Second, small groups produced by hierarchy arising from standing-in-line practice were formed and the distinctions were made between the coaches who belonged to these groups and the coaches who did not. Third, distinctions were made between the coaches of the team which used symbolic violence of monopolizing excellent players and used ruling order strategies and the coaches of otherwise teams.
The Effects of Sports Center Instructor` Attractiveness on the Psychological needs of participants 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠센터 지도자 매력성이 참여자의 심리적 욕구에 미치는 영향
최현아HyunAhChoi , 정주혁JooHyugJung
53(5) 81-92, 2014
The Effects of Sports Center Instructor` Attractiveness on the Psychological needs of participants 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠센터 지도자 매력성이 참여자의 심리적 욕구에 미치는 영향
최현아HyunAhChoi , 정주혁JooHyugJung
The purpose of this study is to examine relationship between participants perceived the Instructor' Attractiveness and psychological needs of participants. For this purpose, a population was formed with participate in sports centers for women participants in the group exercise a total of 306 questionnaires were analyzed by convenience sampling and self-administration. As for data processing and analysis, First, there were significant differences in sports center instructor' attractiveness and psychological needs by frequency of exercise participation and exercise ability. Second, there were significant correlations in sports center instructor' attractiveness and sub-factors of psychological needs. Finally, a familiarity and similarity of instructor' attractiveness had positive influence on sub-factors of psychological needs but good feeling of instructor' attractiveness had no influence on psychological needs.
The Effect of Secondary Students′Trust in Physical Education Teacher on the Students′Passion for Sports, Identification and Attitude toward Physical Education 인문,사회과학편 : 중등학생의 체육교사 신뢰가 운동열정, 동일시 및 체육교과태도에 미치는 영향
53(5) 93-110, 2014
The Effect of Secondary Students′Trust in Physical Education Teacher on the Students′Passion for Sports, Identification and Attitude toward Physical Education 인문,사회과학편 : 중등학생의 체육교사 신뢰가 운동열정, 동일시 및 체육교과태도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to examine how trust in PE teacher among secondary students affects their attitude toward the subject, mediated by such factors as passion for sports and identification. A survey was conducted with 556 middle and high school students, and the findings are summarized as follows. First, as for gender differences, all variables - trust in PE teacher, passion for sports, identification and attitude toward PE - were measured higher with male compared to female students, and also with high school compared to middle school students. Second, trust in PE teacher had an effect on the students’ passion for sports, identification and attitude toward PE, while passion for sports and identification had an effect on attitude toward PE. Third, as for the cause and effect relationships among the different variables, trust in PE teacher had a direct impact on passion for sports, identification and attitude toward PE, and had an indirect impact on alienation in PE class, mediated by passion for sports and identification. These findings indicate that improving the attitude of secondary students toward PE would require the kind of class environment that encourages students’ passion for sports, and the role of PE teachers capable of inspiring trust and admiration.
Key Words
trust in physical education teacher, passion for sports, identification, attitude toward physical education
The Relationship between Social Comparison Orientation and Stress of Physical Education Class in High-School Students: The Mediating Effects of Fear of Negative Evaluation and Mediating Effects of Academic Self-Efficacy 인문,사회과학편 : 고등학생의 사회비교 경향성과 체육수업 스트레스간 관계: 부정적 평가에 대한 두려움의 매개효과 및 학업적 자기효능감의 조절효과 검증
전현수HyunSooJeon , 문민권MinKwonMoon
53(5) 111-122, 2014
The Relationship between Social Comparison Orientation and Stress of Physical Education Class in High-School Students: The Mediating Effects of Fear of Negative Evaluation and Mediating Effects of Academic Self-Efficacy 인문,사회과학편 : 고등학생의 사회비교 경향성과 체육수업 스트레스간 관계: 부정적 평가에 대한 두려움의 매개효과 및 학업적 자기효능감의 조절효과 검증
전현수HyunSooJeon , 문민권MinKwonMoon
The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effects of fear of negative evaluation and the moderating effects of academic self-efficacy in the relationship between social comparison orientation and stress of physical education class. This research was conducted based on the data of 337 high school students. After the verification of reliability and validity of questionnaires data was analyzed for the purposes of this research: structural equation modeling, and multi-group analysis. Results of structural equation modeling indicated that fear of negative evaluation was fully mediator between social comparison orientation and stress of physical education class. Results of multi-group analysis indicated that the effect of social comparison orientation on fear of negative evaluation was significantly moderated by academic self-efficacy. This study discussed the results with advanced research, and suggestions are provided for future research.
Key Words
social comparison orientation, fear of negative evaluation, stress of physical education class, academic self-efficacy
Complexity of the Center of Pressure in the Control of Upright Standing 인문,사회과학편 : 자세조건에 따른 압력중심의 복잡성 연구
고지현JiHyunKo , 한동욱DongWookHan
53(5) 123-133, 2014
Complexity of the Center of Pressure in the Control of Upright Standing 인문,사회과학편 : 자세조건에 따른 압력중심의 복잡성 연구
고지현JiHyunKo , 한동욱DongWookHan
The present study investigated complexity of the right, left and total body center of pressure(COP) under several standing conditions using two force platforms. Additional focus was to examine the relation between complexity and variability of the COP. 12 healthy young subjects performed randomly assigned five upright standing conditions, namely side-by-side, staggered with right or left foot forward, and tandem with right or left foot forward. The results revealed that the variability and the complexity of COPL, COPR, COPNET in both time- and frequency-domain progressively increased in the staggered and tandem standings. There was difference in variability between COPL and COPR for staggered and tandem standing, whereas no difference in complexity between COPL and COPR across whole standing conditions. The findings suggested that the COP became more irregular in staggered and tandem that refer postural system increased the number of dynamical degrees of freedom to maintain postural stability. Moreover, the study showed that the complexity of COP in the control of upright standing was independent of the variability.
Key Words
postural control, complexity, variability
The Relationship between Sport Ego Resilience and Psychological states of recovery in Rehabilitating Athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 재활운동선수의 자아탄력성과 회복기 심리상태의 관계
이준석JoonSoekLee , 강지훈JiHoonKang
53(5) 135-148, 2014
The Relationship between Sport Ego Resilience and Psychological states of recovery in Rehabilitating Athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 재활운동선수의 자아탄력성과 회복기 심리상태의 관계
이준석JoonSoekLee , 강지훈JiHoonKang
The purpose of this study was rehabilitation athletes’s psychological state according to and rehabilitation recovery step to therelationship analyzed. The participants for this study were 181 athletes. Measurement tool in this study was used mood states,sports confidence, physical self-perception, rehabilitation beliefs and sport ego resilience to the analyzed the relationshipbetween athlete’s ego resilience and psychological status of psychological recovery. The collected questionnaires were analyzedby Spss 15.0 and Amos 15.0 software program, frequency analysis, descriptive analysis, reliability analysis, exploratory factoranalysis, confirmatory factor analysis and canonical correlation analysis. Analysis result, on the ego-resilience of the athletesocial support, motivation and ability had negative effect at the mood state's depression and confusion, and at the vitality hadpositive effect. And on the ego-resilience of the athlete social support, expectation, motivation and ability had positive effectat the sports confidence's coach readership, ability proof and physical preparation. On the ego-resilience of the athletemotivation had positive effect at the health, on the ego-resilience of the athlete motivation and ability had positive effect at therehabilitation beliefs's a therapeutic effect, self-efficacy and severity.
Key Words
resilience, Sport ego resilience, rehabilitation athletes psychological states
The impact of career barrier and career decision making self-efficiency on career decision Level: Focusing on moderated mediation effect of gender 인문,사회과학편 : 진로장벽과 진로결정 자기효능감이 진로결정수준에 미치는 영향: 성별의 조절된 매개효과를 중심으로
The impact of career barrier and career decision making self-efficiency on career decision Level: Focusing on moderated mediation effect of gender 인문,사회과학편 : 진로장벽과 진로결정 자기효능감이 진로결정수준에 미치는 영향: 성별의 조절된 매개효과를 중심으로
The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of career barrier and career decision making self-efficiency on career decision level, focusing on moderated mediation effect of gender. Three hundred twenty seven track & field athletes were selected for this study and research model was analyzed through the SEM. It was found out that they had a negative impact on career decision level and career decision making self-efficiency worked as mediation. Also path b in research model presented .18 for male athletes and -.34 for female athletes, which means career barrier have a negative impact on decision making level with career decision making self-efficiency as a mediation for male athletes, but have an opposite impact for female athletes. It was proved that moderated mediation effect varies with different effect across gender.
Key Words
career barrier, decision making self-efficiency, career decision Level, moderated mediation effect
The Effe ct of Coach-Athlete Fit predicting Sport Drop-out 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 탈퇴를 예측하는 코치-선수 부합의 영향력
박상혁SangHyukPark , 최마리MaRiChoi
53(5) 161-170, 2014
The Effe ct of Coach-Athlete Fit predicting Sport Drop-out 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 탈퇴를 예측하는 코치-선수 부합의 영향력
박상혁SangHyukPark , 최마리MaRiChoi
This study is to examine the effect of coach-athlete fit predicting drop-out. For this purpose, the results are analyzed via reasonable analysis using data that were obtained by sampling the target. The results are as follows: The relationship between coach and athlete is better, drop out is reduced. To be specific, condition control and training method in coach-athlete fit are closely related to loss of interest and career anxiety. Therefore, coach-athlete fit was identified as a factor to control the sports drop-out. This results are discussed in the context of person-environment fit and Horne(2002)’s coaching efficacy.
Reconceptualization of SSCQ(Sources of Sport Confidence Questionanire) 인문,사회과학편 : 한국판 스포츠 자신감 질문지(SSCQ)의 재 개념화
53(5) 171-183, 2014
Reconceptualization of SSCQ(Sources of Sport Confidence Questionanire) 인문,사회과학편 : 한국판 스포츠 자신감 질문지(SSCQ)의 재 개념화
This paper has purpose to provide basic data for developing the instrument of sport confidence factor through the reconception of Korean SSCQ. With purposive sampling in nonprobability sampling, 127 combat sport athletes were selected. In open-ended question, inductive text analysis composed of 4 experts and frequency analysis were conducted. First, the confidence of combat sport athletes got higher under external support, determinativeness, relativity, flow, and complete preparation for boby and lower under relativity, external environment, preparation for body, and defeated condition. Second, psychological skill, preparation for body, and ready for tactics were used for increasing confidence. Third, since these results were somewhat different with Korean SSCQ, relevant instrument is needed to develop for measuring confidence factor of combat sport athletes
Key Words
sport confidence, SSCQ, Competitive Sports
Psychological effects of appearance on athlete: A focus on golfers` clothing 인문,사회과학편 : 외모가 선수에게 미치는 심리적 영향: 골프선수가 착용한 의상을 중심으로
53(5) 185-196, 2014
Psychological effects of appearance on athlete: A focus on golfers` clothing 인문,사회과학편 : 외모가 선수에게 미치는 심리적 영향: 골프선수가 착용한 의상을 중심으로
This study examined the psychological effects of appearance on athletes, specifically the effects of the clothing golfers wear on their psychological state. This study incorporated open questionaire and in-depth interview as research tools. First of all, open questionaire was conducted to 256 professional male and female golfers living in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province and collected data was then categorized in the process of inductive content analysis. Its content validity was verified by expert meetings. Study results showed that the golfers’ psychological state when they were wearing the clothes they like were classified into eight areas including ‘inducing positive emotion’, ‘improved confidence’, ‘peace of mind’, ‘inducing positive thinking’, ‘improved concentration’, ‘sense of improved physical condition’, ‘sense of superiority’, and ‘inducing motivation’. In addition, the golfers’ psychological states when they were wearing the clothes they dislike were classified into seven areas including ‘inducing negative emotion’, ‘decreased confidence’, ‘inducing negative thinking’, ‘getting conscious of others’ eyes’, ‘loss of motivation’, and ‘sense of decline in physical condition’. Furthermore, it was found during the interview process that some athletes have jinx or boon attached to certain clothing, the clothing they wear has the positive or negative effect on their psychological state, and it may lead to the outcome of the game.
The Moderating Effects of Passion for Dance and Identity on Emotions among University Students 인문,사회과학편 : 무용 열정과 정체성이 대학생의 정서에 미치는 조절효과
53(5) 197-206, 2014
The Moderating Effects of Passion for Dance and Identity on Emotions among University Students 인문,사회과학편 : 무용 열정과 정체성이 대학생의 정서에 미치는 조절효과
The purpose of this study was to investigate the moderating effects of passion for dance and identity on emotions. Participants were 446 dance students (53 males, 393 females) from five universities. For data, a descriptive statistics, correlation, and moderated regression analysis were conducted. The results of moderated regression analyses were as follows: First, university dance students' harmonious and obsessive passion, and identity were predictors facilitating their positive emotions in the dance class setting, but a significant two- and three-way interaction between harmonious passion, obsessive passion, and identity did not emerged for respect for students' positive emotional experiences. Second, only harmonious passion among three predictors reduced students' negative emotions. Third, for dance students with a high obsessive passion, the perception that one was high in dance identity was associated with increased negative emotion. Forth, for students low in harmonious passion, high obsessive passion was associated with increased negative emotions. In conclusion, both passion for dance and identity will contribute university dance students to activating positive emotions, but perceptions of high obsessive passion and identity can increase students' negative emotions in a technical dance setting.
Key Words
dance class, passion for dance, self-identity, identity development, emotions
The perception of coach-athlete relationship as a controlling variable of sport failure-tolerance 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 실패내성 조절 변수로서의 코치-선수 관계 인식
This study was to verify the hypothesis that the sport failure-tolerance of athlete was influenced by their perception of relationship with coach. For this purpose, the level of the perception with coach-athlete relationship set up as a dummy variable, and the difference of failure-tolerance was examined. Furthermore, it was conducted the variable of perception about coach-athlete relationship effect on failure-tolerance. The results were as follows: After the failure, the perception of task difficulty and emotion factor had difference in positive perception of coach-athlete relationship. In particular, the emotion factor of athlete was significant variable to explain the positive relationship with coach. Finally, the sport failure-tolerance was positively affected by coincidence of strategy in game and the perception of coach-athlete relationship related to controlling condition. In addition, these results were discussed based on previous researches.
Exploring Educational Meanings and Directions of School Physical Education to be Included College Entrance System 인문,사회과학편 : 학교체육 활동의 대학입시 반영에 관한 교육적 의미와 방향 탐색
53(5) 219-230, 2014
Exploring Educational Meanings and Directions of School Physical Education to be Included College Entrance System 인문,사회과학편 : 학교체육 활동의 대학입시 반영에 관한 교육적 의미와 방향 탐색
This study was intensionally initiated to improve Korean college entrance system throughout school physical education. Most advanced countries have been systematically implied school physical education as one of the most important element in college entrance system. However, school physical education in Korea has been partially established with non-systematics system unlike those advanced countries. To improve the limitation, the purpose of this paper was to explore educational meanings and directions of school physical education to be included college entrance system. In this paper, four educational meanings such as the normalization of school physical education, the extension of assessment function, the establishment of various evaluation tools, and global human resource education for high school education and university education were explored. In addition, the educational directions were addressed such as only school physical education for increasing a public education power, the establishment of coherence and equity between high school education and university education, and the key competency-based physical education as a college entrance system. Lastly, six exemplary elements were suggested for most universities that might introduce and apply the elements in their college entrance systems.
Key Words
college entrance system, school physical education, educational meaning, educational direction
A case study of developing and application of sportsmanship program in physical education class in secondary school 인문,사회과학편 : 중학교 체육수업에서 스포츠맨십 교육 프로그램의 개발 및 적용 사례 연구
윤기준KeeJoonYoon , 박정준JeongJunPark
53(5) 231-247, 2014
A case study of developing and application of sportsmanship program in physical education class in secondary school 인문,사회과학편 : 중학교 체육수업에서 스포츠맨십 교육 프로그램의 개발 및 적용 사례 연구
윤기준KeeJoonYoon , 박정준JeongJunPark
The Purpose of this research was to explore the effectiveness of the sportsmanship education program which was developed based on 'Hanaro Teaching model' on pupils' character. The program was applied to about 300 third grade pupils of secondary school in A province. For data collection analysis, teacher diaries, interviews and focus groups with pupils, movie report and sportsmanship diaries were conducted. The data was analyzed by inductive content analysis. Pupils' change of respect on the opponents, teammates, officials and games which are both in cognition and action aspect were analyzed. Suggestion sportsmanship as respect, sports leagues and indirect experience activities were positive in developing sportsmanship, however, pupils' passivity, developing sportsmanship by practicing skills were problems needed to be addressed. In conclusion, in order to teach effectively sportsmanship in physical education in secondary school, investigating ways in which teach sportsmanship through teaching sport skills and strategies, alignment between contents and assessment, and developing teacher's indirect teaching styles are needed.
The Effect of Instructors` Nonverbal communication on Emotional Reactions, Service Value, and Customer Satisfaction in Sport Center 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠센터 지도자의 비언어적 커뮤니케이션과 감정반응,서비스가치, 고객만족의 관계
손민혁MinHyukSon , 추나영NaYoungChoo , 조송현SongHyunCho
53(5) 249-260, 2014
The Effect of Instructors` Nonverbal communication on Emotional Reactions, Service Value, and Customer Satisfaction in Sport Center 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠센터 지도자의 비언어적 커뮤니케이션과 감정반응,서비스가치, 고객만족의 관계
손민혁MinHyukSon , 추나영NaYoungChoo , 조송현SongHyunCho
The purpose of this study was to investigate a casual relationship between the nonverbal communication of sports centre instructor and service value, emotional reactions, customer satisfaction. The subject of this study was members who are registered in the sports center in Busan and Gyeongsangnam-do Province, 340 samples were selected using convenience sampling method. Among the 340 responses, the study excluded 58 invalid responses due to the unfinished, the improperly marked, and the biased; and, finally selected 282 for the analysis. By using the SPSS version 21.0 for collected data were performed including an exploratory factor analysis, a Cronbach’s alpha, and a simple and multiple regression analysis. The statistical significance was determined at the level of .05. Results were as followed. First, visual behaviour and individual characteristic of sports centre instructors’ nonverbal communication had significant effected on emotional reaction, service value, and customer satisfaction. Second, emotional reaction of sports center members had significant effected on service value and customer satisfaction. Lastly, service value of sports center members had significant effected on customer satisfaction.
Key Words
sport center, nonverbal communication, service value, emotion reaction, customer satisfaction
Influence of Korea National League Players` Job Environment on Job Satisfaction and Team Loyalty 인문,사회과학편 : 실업축구 선수들의 직무환경이 직무만족 및 충성도에 미치는 영향
정윤덕YunDukJeng , 정영열YoungRyuelChung
53(5) 261-276, 2014
Influence of Korea National League Players` Job Environment on Job Satisfaction and Team Loyalty 인문,사회과학편 : 실업축구 선수들의 직무환경이 직무만족 및 충성도에 미치는 영향
정윤덕YunDukJeng , 정영열YoungRyuelChung
The purpose of this study was to provide basic academic information to improve organization effectiveness of Pro-football club and to form human resource management strategy through examining the effect of job environment on job satisfaction and team loyalty in Korea National League. In order to examine this study, the survey was conducted by 280 Korea National League players and the collected date were analyzed by using correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling analysis, and Bootstrapping. SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 were used for data processing. The results were as follow: First, human and welfare environment significantly influenced on affective job satisfaction. Second, human and welfare environment significantly influenced on affective team loyalty. Third, job satisfaction significantly influenced on affective team loyalty. Fourth, job satisfaction was significantly revealed as partial mediating effect between human welfare environment and team loyalty. Thus, management and coaches must make an active effort of the working-level by reforming various system and statedly running counseling program to improve players' job environment.
Key Words
Korea National League, job environment, job satisfaction, team Loyalty
The Revitalization of social contribution activities Through the Sports: Focused on Korea Sports Promotion Foundation 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠를 통한 사회공헌활동 활성화 방안: 국민체육진흥공단을 중심으로
신선윤SunYunShin , 조운용OunYongCho , 김범준BeomJoonKim
53(5) 277-291, 2014
The Revitalization of social contribution activities Through the Sports: Focused on Korea Sports Promotion Foundation 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠를 통한 사회공헌활동 활성화 방안: 국민체육진흥공단을 중심으로
신선윤SunYunShin , 조운용OunYongCho , 김범준BeomJoonKim
This study presents that the revitalization of social contribution activities through the sports. In this study, it was made on a Korea Sports Promotion Foundation(KSPO) which is founded for the realization of sports welfare for the people. Therefore, we are trying to present a activation plan that can be mainly composed of KSPO, to improve more effectively the social contribution activities that KSPO is currently implementing. The contents of the study as follows: An index which can present a direction of social action through sports was developed. And put together an opinion on social contribution activities for the social contribution activities beneficiary institution. Then, based on this, we are trying to derive the activation plans of sports-related social contribution activities of the KSPO finally. As a research result, as a large classification, the indicators of social contribution activities were classified. And the Opinion of the target institutions of social contribution activities of KSPO is the satisfaction of the social contribution activities of KSPO and typical activities of social contribution activities that the KSPO is implementing. Finally, activation plan of sports-related social contribution activities of KSPO was provided by three aspects. First, Participation activation plan of target institutions through improvement of social contribution activities that KSPO is currently executing. Second, Improving the sustainability of the KSPO through the dispatch of the leaders of sports. Third, Aspects of the institutional improvements for inducing volunteer activation in KSPO.
Key Words
social contribution activities, Korea Sports Promotion Foundation, KSPO, sports-related social contribution activities
A Comparison of Storytelling and Direct Information on Sport Consumers` Attitudes and Evaluations 인문,사회과학편 : 관여도와 정보중심 및 스토리텔링 퍼블리시티 유형에 따른 수용자의 스포츠 기사 메시지 태도 및 평가
류동수DongSooRyu , 정규수KyuSooChung , 김진국JinKookKim
53(5) 293-308, 2014
A Comparison of Storytelling and Direct Information on Sport Consumers` Attitudes and Evaluations 인문,사회과학편 : 관여도와 정보중심 및 스토리텔링 퍼블리시티 유형에 따른 수용자의 스포츠 기사 메시지 태도 및 평가
류동수DongSooRyu , 정규수KyuSooChung , 김진국JinKookKim
The purpose of this study is to examine sport consumers’ attitudes and evaluations to two different types of publicity message-storytelling and direct information. A sample of 427 university students provides information about their attitudes, evaluations, and sport involvement. The results of a two-way ANOVA revealed significant interaction effects on interests and important factor. No interaction effects were found at trust, process, and information. The study also found a significant interaction effect, by the types of publicity and sport involvement, on consumers’ direct attitudes. No effect was found at transition attitudes. The results can be implemented to attract sport consumers by suggesting the effective publicity activities. Therefore Sports involvement seems to be a more important determinant of attitude change than message type toward the given publicity messages. For high involvement group, storytelling publicity demonstrated higher effects than straight publicity, whereas straight publicity did higher effects than storytelling publicity for low involvement group.
A Study on Measures to Improve, Pre-expectation and Post-performance about Taekwondowon Facilities through Critical Incident Technique (CIT) 인문,사회과학편 : 결정적 사건 기법(CIT)을 통한 태권도원 시설에 대한 방문 전 기대, 방문 후 성과 및 개선방안 연구
이미연MiYeonLee , 전익기IkKiJeon
53(5) 309-325, 2014
A Study on Measures to Improve, Pre-expectation and Post-performance about Taekwondowon Facilities through Critical Incident Technique (CIT) 인문,사회과학편 : 결정적 사건 기법(CIT)을 통한 태권도원 시설에 대한 방문 전 기대, 방문 후 성과 및 개선방안 연구
이미연MiYeonLee , 전익기IkKiJeon
The purpose of this study was to figure out the problems lying in visitors’ pre-expectation and post-performance and solutions to improve them so as to turn Taekwondowon as a theme park into a place that is recognized not as a one-off visiting spot but as one that they want to visit repeatedly. To attain the goal, the researcher selects 295 trainees who participated in the Taekwondo training program provided at the Taekwondowon and conducts research with Critical Incident Technique (CIT). The results are as follows. first, according to the result of analyzing the Taekwondowon visitors’ pre-expectation, 8 keywords, the Taekwondo shrine, training facilities, no expectation, accommodations, tourist spots, external view, Taekwondo arena, and traffic facilities, have been finally drawn. Second, according to the result of analyzing the Taekwondowon visitors’ positive experience after the visit, 5 keywords, accommodations, the Taekwondo shrine, external view, scale, and additional facilities, have been finally drawn in order. Third, according to the result of analyzing the Taekwondowon visitors’ negative experience after the visit, 7 keywords, additional facilities, training facilities, accommodations, external view, smoking area, parking facilities, and guiding signs have been finally drawn in order. And the words showing both sides, positive and negative experience, after the visit of the Taekwondowon visitors have been found to be accommodations, additional facilities, and external view. Lastly, according to the result of analyzing measures to improve the Taekwondowon, additional facilities have been found the most frequently, and 9 keywords, traffic, training facilities, smoking area, wireless internet sharing, Taekwondo image, medical facilities, guiding facilities, and publicity, have been drawn finally in order.
Key Words
Critical Incident Technique, CIT, Taekwondowon, pre-expectation, post-performance, measures to improve
Sponsorship Effects of Sports Celebrities from an Aspect of Corporate Profits: Focused on the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics and Yuna Kim 인문,사회과학편 : 기업수익 측면에서 본 스포츠유명인의 후원효과: 2010년 밴쿠버 올림픽과 김연아를 중심으로
53(5) 327-341, 2014
Sponsorship Effects of Sports Celebrities from an Aspect of Corporate Profits: Focused on the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics and Yuna Kim 인문,사회과학편 : 기업수익 측면에서 본 스포츠유명인의 후원효과: 2010년 밴쿠버 올림픽과 김연아를 중심으로
This study is associated with changes in financial performance of sponsor corporations of sports celebrities and aims to reveal the sponsorship effects of sports celebrities from an aspect of corporate profits through the analysis of profits of sponsor corporations and competitors and profitability index. This study analyzed four corporations including Samsung Electronics, Maeil Dairies Co., Ltd, Kookmin Bank, Hyundai Motors which were Yuna Kim's sponsors and six competitors. The results are as follows. First, sports celebrity sponsors showed more sales during the sponsorship period than before and confirmed positive numerical changes in sales, operating profits, and profit margin. However, all sponsors but Samsung Electronics showed similar growth to competitors and even Mail Dairies Co., Ltd. showed less profit margin during the sponsorship period than before. Second, the analysis of profitability index of all sports celebrity sponsors except Samsung Electronics did not show obvious changes in the rate of operating profits, profit margin, ROE, and ROA or higher corporate performance than that of competitors. In conclusion, this study suggests that although sponsor corporations expect higher corporate performance than that of competitors through sports celebrities' positive issue, it alone does not warrant a superior profitability index to that of competitors.
A research on actual situations of mouth guard usage of university taekwondo players 인문,사회과학편 : 대학태권도선수의 마우스가드 사용실태 조사연구
양현석HyunSukYang , 오태진TaeJinOh , 임근옥KunOkLim
53(5) 343-351, 2014
A research on actual situations of mouth guard usage of university taekwondo players 인문,사회과학편 : 대학태권도선수의 마우스가드 사용실태 조사연구
양현석HyunSukYang , 오태진TaeJinOh , 임근옥KunOkLim
This study puts stress on the need of using oral cavity protectors to protect teeth and organs around them of nationwide taekwondo players, and improve awareness of mouth guard. For statistical treatment of the data gained from 157 players who had attended the National University taekwondo Championship Competition, I used SPSS Ver 21.0 program and Chi-square to analyze if there’s statistical significance. The result is as follows.
First, concerning the subjects’ experience of extrinsic injuries, there were 100% of external injuries on the parts of their body during exercise or matches. Second, concerning injuries on the maxillofacial region and whether mouth guards are worn, the highest rates of causes of the injuries were 60 players(38.2%) during training and 56 players(35.7%) during matches. Third, concerning inconvenience of mouth guard usage, 112 players(30.3%) during respiratory and 65 players(17.6%) during speaking were complained their somewhat inconvenient. Fourth, concerning management and storage of mouth guards, most of players used cold water(34.4%) or warm water(17.5%) for clean-up, but interestingly, they also concerned about those possibility of bacterial existence which need storage-case for antibiosis(p<.05).
Key Words
mouthpiece, mouth guard, antibacterial, taekwondo
The Influence of Physical Self-Concept on the Positive Illusions and Subjective Happiness of University Students 인문,사회과학편 : 대학생의 신체적 자기개념이 긍정적 착각, 주관적 행복감에 미치는 영향
강진영JinYoungKang , 김매이MayKim
53(5) 353-364, 2014
The Influence of Physical Self-Concept on the Positive Illusions and Subjective Happiness of University Students 인문,사회과학편 : 대학생의 신체적 자기개념이 긍정적 착각, 주관적 행복감에 미치는 영향
강진영JinYoungKang , 김매이MayKim
The purpose of this study was to address the influence of physical self-concept on each of positive illusions and subjective happiness while focusing on positive illusions positively biasing reality. In order to achieve the purpose, the study was conducted with 252 college students who were taking elective sport courses as liberal education at K University located in Seoul. SEM analysis was accomplished to explore the purpose of the study and the research hypotheses. The results indicated that physical self-concept was significantly related to positive illusions. It also revealed that positive illusions was significantly related to subjective happiness. The findings described above were summarized and the direction of future research were discussed.
An Exploratory Study on Mountain Climbing Participants` Recreation Specialization, Place Attachment, and Pro-Environment behavior 인문,사회과학편 : 등산참여자의 레크리에이션 전문화, 장소애착 그리고 친환경행동에 관한 탐색적 연구
김종순JongSoonKim , 원형중HyungJoongWon
53(5) 365-379, 2014
An Exploratory Study on Mountain Climbing Participants` Recreation Specialization, Place Attachment, and Pro-Environment behavior 인문,사회과학편 : 등산참여자의 레크리에이션 전문화, 장소애착 그리고 친환경행동에 관한 탐색적 연구
김종순JongSoonKim , 원형중HyungJoongWon
This study aims at drawing a meaning of mountain climbing participants‘ experience with pro-environment behaviour, recreation specialization and place attachment through exploratory analysis. It ultimately attempts to identify exceptionality and characteristics easily noticeable when studying on recreation specialization, place attachment and pro-environment behaviour. As a result, four categories as following have been suggested. First, recreation specialization as ‘appropriate specialization’ has been categorized. Second, place attachment to the mountain being worthy of a visit as a type of experience has been classified. Third, it has been analyzed that mountain climbing participants experience the intention of introducing the mountain to others, an aesthetic encounter and the major area of recognizing social changes as ‘active pro-environment behaviour’. Fourth, it has also found egotistic indifference and an anomaly of participants with high degree of skills as ‘passive pro-environment behaviour’. It can be concluded that we need to consider the exceptional specialization based on flexibility of selecting places of mountain climbing participants, when researching into mountain climbing, Also, this study has found an anomaly of participants with high degree of skills through an exploration on recreation specialization and pro-environment behaviour, which can be discussed further as a research subject later.
Key Words
mountain climbing participant, recreation specialization, place attachment, pro-environmental behavior
Effects of Middle School Students"Exercise & Physical Education Class Participations to Appearance Evaluation and Orientation 인문,사회과학편 : 중학생의 운동참가와 체육수업 참여도가 외모평가 및 외모지 향성에 미치는 효과
오세숙SaeSookOh , 오세이SeiYiOh , 신규리KyuLeeShin
53(5) 381-392, 2014
Effects of Middle School Students"Exercise & Physical Education Class Participations to Appearance Evaluation and Orientation 인문,사회과학편 : 중학생의 운동참가와 체육수업 참여도가 외모평가 및 외모지 향성에 미치는 효과
오세숙SaeSookOh , 오세이SeiYiOh , 신규리KyuLeeShin
The current paper empirically examines the gender effects of middle school students’ sports participation to their body image captured by the appearance evaluation and orientation. For the empirical analysis, we used the youth health and life pattern data collected by the National Youth Policy Institute (NYPI). The gender differences in the regular sports participation, the active physical education class participation, the appearance evaluation, and the appearance orientation are significantly different. Male students show higher scores in the regular sports participation, the active physical education class participation, and the appearance evaluation. On the other hand, female students show higher scores in the appearance orientation. The regression analysis also shows that the regular sports and active physical education class participation is positively associated with the appearance evaluation for both male and female students with higher associations for male than female students. Furthermore, the appearance orientation is positively associated with the regular sports or active physical education class participation only for male students.
Key Words
exercise participation, school physical class participation, appearance evaluation, appearance orientation, youth, BMI
Characteristics of the Latest Domestic Convergence Dance Works viewed from the Perspective of Emotional Logic 인문,사회과학편 : 감성논리 관점에서 본 국내 최근 융복합 무용작품분석
박명숙MyungSookPark , 태혜신HyeSynTae , 오하영HaYoungOh
53(5) 393-409, 2014
Characteristics of the Latest Domestic Convergence Dance Works viewed from the Perspective of Emotional Logic 인문,사회과학편 : 감성논리 관점에서 본 국내 최근 융복합 무용작품분석
박명숙MyungSookPark , 태혜신HyeSynTae , 오하영HaYoungOh
Recently, dance and science technology-converged digital art or media art dance convergence performances are actively attempted in Korea. However, researches so far have difficulties in comprehending characteristics and trend of domestic digital and dance-converged performances as most of which have been inclined to analysis targeting foreign dance convergence performances. Thus, this study analyzed six digital art-converged dances performed in Korea from 2011 for the purpose of providing in-depth understanding and preliminary data of the phenomenon of new domestic digital technology-converged dance performances appeared according to new media age. As a result, First, there was a tendency that dancers’ body transforms into contents of digital technologies. Second characteristic was the arts of multi-dimensional and complex media that arts in various fields and the most advanced new science technologies are simultaneously operated, creating a new world. Third, the concept of interaction media art and bionic media art started to be introduced. Fourth, the sematics of the work has been strengthened. Fifth performances showed characteristics of moist media. And to conclude, this study found that recent domestic convergence·fusion dance performances utilizing digital technology are new dimension arts that are mixed, transformed and expanded from the established art types as a mixed process of technoetic arts that digital technology and living organisms are organically combined.
Career Values of Undergraduates who Major in Dance Depending on Majors, Preferred Jobs, and Affecting Figures to Decide Courses: Focused on intrinsic area 인문,사회과학편 : 무용전공 대학생의 전공, 선호직업, 진로결정 영향인물에 따른 직업가치관: 내적영역을 중심으로
53(5) 411-420, 2014
Career Values of Undergraduates who Major in Dance Depending on Majors, Preferred Jobs, and Affecting Figures to Decide Courses: Focused on intrinsic area 인문,사회과학편 : 무용전공 대학생의 전공, 선호직업, 진로결정 영향인물에 따른 직업가치관: 내적영역을 중심으로
This study aims to clarify the difference of sense of values for jobs in their intrinsic area depending on their majors, preferred jobs, and affecting figures to determine their courses. The targets for the study were undergraduates at universities who major in dance. The surveys of total 336 undergraduates were adopted to analyze data finally. The data were processed by SPSS 18.0 electrically. One-way MANOVA was applied. The differences among factors were clarified primarily. For the factors which showed differences, the differences among groups were reviewed through one-way ANOVA. As a result of analysis, sense of values for jobs of undergraduates who major in dance showed statistically significant differences depending on their majors, preferred jobs, and affecting figures to decide courses. Specifically, there was difference in uniqueness and leadership in majors and preferred jobs. In affecting figures to decide courses, there were differences in desire satisfaction, self-realization, and originality. However, as the relevance among variables appeared low, it has been raised repeatedly that constant follow-up studies are required.
Key Words
college students majoring in dance, major, preferred jobs, person who influence career, career values, intrinsic area
Mediation Effects of Autonomous vs. Controlled Regulation on the Relationship between Perfectionism, Perceived Competence and Burnout in Professional Dancers 인문,사회과학편 : 완벽주의, 지각된 유능감과 탈진의 관계에서 자율적-통제적 행동조절의 매개효과 검증
유영란YoungRanYoo , 최헌혁HunHyukChoi
53(5) 421-434, 2014
Mediation Effects of Autonomous vs. Controlled Regulation on the Relationship between Perfectionism, Perceived Competence and Burnout in Professional Dancers 인문,사회과학편 : 완벽주의, 지각된 유능감과 탈진의 관계에서 자율적-통제적 행동조절의 매개효과 검증
유영란YoungRanYoo , 최헌혁HunHyukChoi
The purpose of this study was to examine the mediation effects of autonomous vs. controlled regulation on the relationship between perfectionism, perceived competence and burnout in professional dancers. Participants(N=226) completed the questionnaires of the perfectionism, perceived competence, behavioral regulation in sport questionnaire, and burnout. SPSS18.0 and AMOS16.0 were used to analyze the convergent validity and structural equation modeling with bootstrapping using of the data in this study. Structural equation modeling revealed that autonomous and controlled regulation of behaviors partially mediated the relationship between perceived competence and burnout. In contrast, showed that autonomous motivation and controlled regulation of behaviors fully mediated the relationship perfectionistic and burnout. The findings suggest that provide useful information of psychology consultants to prevent and enhance performance for professional dancers.
Amalgamative Meanings of Dance Audition Program Titled "Dancing 9" 인문,사회과학편 : 텔레비전 무용프로그램 "댄싱9"의 융합 의미
태혜신HyeSynTae , 박명숙MyungSookPark
53(5) 435-444, 2014
Amalgamative Meanings of Dance Audition Program Titled "Dancing 9" 인문,사회과학편 : 텔레비전 무용프로그램 "댄싱9"의 융합 의미
태혜신HyeSynTae , 박명숙MyungSookPark
In spite of the importance of TV dance show in terms of a social ripple effect, the music cable channel Mnet KMTV produced a dance audition program titled ‘Dancing 9’ in 2013, which is the first TV-based dance program as a genre of fusion in a context where the production of TV dance program is at present minuscule. In this regard, by analysing phenomenons of dance fusion of the TV dance audition program ‘Dancing 9’ in terns of a social aspect, this article suggests meanings and paradigms of TV dance. The results of the study are as follows : First, the dance audition program titled ‘Dancing 9’ has a classic nature of art and attempts to show the possibility of firstly opening up a new dance fusion realm, given that it has not only played an significant role in expanding the aesthetic boundary by combining popular/modern dances and fine/traditional dances, but also in advocating the value of equalitarianism in art irrespective of genres, as well as boosting the fundamental value of commercialization as a survival competition with a large prize money. Second, ‘the Dancing 9 TV show’ provided an opportunity for the popularization of dance by reducing a sense of distance of the public from fine dances and exciting public interests. Third, it could be acknowledged as a part of creative industry for developing a new culture content by identifying newly emerged dance stars breaking down the boundary of a various cultural areas. Fourth, it should be mentioned that the TV show program should pursue higher and more sincere standard of artistic expressions in dance movement by understanding meanings and structures of worksand be against excessive commercialization beyond a simple showing and attraction of magnificent techniques and performances.
Key Words
TV Dance Show, Dancing 9, Post-Modern Art, Fusion Dance, Culture Contents Industry
Effects of Exercise Intensity on AMPK, PGC-1α and GLUT4 Expression in Skeletal Muscle of High Fat Diet and Streptozotocin Induced T2DM Rats 자연과학편 : 운동강도가 고지방식이와 Streptozotocin 유도된 T2DM 흰쥐 골격근내 AMPK, PGC-1α와 GLUT4의 발현
희뢰LeiJi , 하태균TaeGyunHa , 윤정수ChungSuYoon
53(5) 445-455, 2014
Effects of Exercise Intensity on AMPK, PGC-1α and GLUT4 Expression in Skeletal Muscle of High Fat Diet and Streptozotocin Induced T2DM Rats 자연과학편 : 운동강도가 고지방식이와 Streptozotocin 유도된 T2DM 흰쥐 골격근내 AMPK, PGC-1α와 GLUT4의 발현
희뢰LeiJi , 하태균TaeGyunHa , 윤정수ChungSuYoon
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of exercise intensity on AMPK, PGC-1α and GLUT4 expression in skeletal muscle of High fat diet and streptozotocin induced T2DM rats. Type 2 diabetes was induced in rats by a combination of low dose streptozotocin(STZ; 40 mg/kg) and feeding of a high fat diet. The rats had trained by low intensity(VO2max 40%), medium intensity(VO2max 60%) and high intensity(VO2max 80%) exercise on the treadmill for 8 weeks then the rat soleus(SOL) and extensor digitorum longus(EDL) were taken out. Western blotting was performed for the expression of AMPK, p-AMPK, PGC-1α, and GLUT4. The results of the analysis was as follow; First, the AMPK, p-AMPK, PGC-1α and GLUT4 expression level of exercise groups was increasd by exercise. Second, expression of AMPK, p-AMPK and PGC-1α of the EDL in the high intensity group was highest in the three intensity groups, but GLUT4 in the medium intensity group was highest. Third, expression of AMPK, p-AMPK and PGC-1α of the soleus in the medium intensity group was highest in the three intensity groups, but GLUT4 in the high intensity group was highest. This study can be concluded that the expression of AMPK, PGC-1α and GLUT4 proteins was differed with exercise intensity and the type of muscle.
Key Words
AMPK, PGC-1α, GLUT4, T2DM, Exercise intensity
Kinematical Analysis of Starting Phase of Bunch Start 100m Woman Athletics 자연과학편 : 육상 여자 100 m Bunch Start 출발 구간의 운동학적 비교분석
이대형DeeHyungLee , 김재운ChaeWoonKim , 최수남SuNamChoi
53(5) 457-466, 2014
Kinematical Analysis of Starting Phase of Bunch Start 100m Woman Athletics 자연과학편 : 육상 여자 100 m Bunch Start 출발 구간의 운동학적 비교분석
이대형DeeHyungLee , 김재운ChaeWoonKim , 최수남SuNamChoi
This study was performed to provide useful information to shorten the record by understanding the physical factor of the bunch start through three dimensional image analysis with excellent group (A) that was composed of female university players who had won first prizes in national contests and non-excellent group (B) of female university players. There were 8 female university players. The record of short distance contest was determined by the pitch and stride. The time from the start to three steps was .85 sec for the group A and .89 sec for the group B. It showed that group A was faster at the first three steps. The stride from the start to three steps was 3.08 m for the group A and 2.56m sec for the group B. It showed that group A had bigger stride. When we measured the change of horizontal velocity of physical center, the group A showed high increase of horizontal velocity in the all steps. When we measured the change of vertical velocity of physical center, the group B showed big change. In a conclusion, the horizontal speed and the stride per block should be increased for the shorter sprint start motion. For this, shortening the reaction time and the ground-contact time per block was prerequisited. The ideal start was therefore that the angles of the ankle, the knee joint and the coxa at landing should be so small as to accelerate the angle speed of each joint.
Key Words
speed, velocity, horizontal, distance, group
Effect of Human Spine Vertebrae on Biomechanics Using Lagrange`s Method in Drop Landing 자연과학편 : 라그랑지 해석을 이용한 드롭착지 동작에서의 척추분절 움직임이 생체역학에 미치는 영향
유경석KyoungSeokYoo , 박규태GuTaePark , 공세진SeJinKong
53(5) 467-476, 2014
Effect of Human Spine Vertebrae on Biomechanics Using Lagrange`s Method in Drop Landing 자연과학편 : 라그랑지 해석을 이용한 드롭착지 동작에서의 척추분절 움직임이 생체역학에 미치는 영향
유경석KyoungSeokYoo , 박규태GuTaePark , 공세진SeJinKong
This study regarded the trunk as a seven-segment model depending on the structure of the spinal curvature, and as focusing on the GRF caused during the drop landing with both feet, the study interpreted the joint moments with Lagrange equations of motion, at the moment of and after the landing. College students in good health condition were selected as research participants. In order to analyze the motion of the drop landing, the study used the 3D motion analysis system(VICON, UK) and Matlab(Mathworks, USA) as well. As for the statistical analysis, the study adopted SPSS(ver 20) to conduct the t-test, and the data was processed at a significance level of p<.01. According to the results of the research, first of all, it was learned that the maximum increase range of the forces applied to the individual spinal segments after the landing improved by 3~9 times comparing to the forces before the landing. Second, the study understood that at the moment of the drop landing, separately, the lower parts(LTx, ULTx, LTx) and the middle and upper parts(MLTx, MUTx) of the spine have an effect on the energy absorption and the energy expenditure of the eccentric exercise, respectively. Third, the study confirmed that when it comes to the differences of the spinal segments’ moments before and after the landing, the differences turned out to be all significant and that the eccentric contraction would usually occur in the lower parts of the spine.
Key Words
Spine segment motion, Drop Landing, Lagrange equations, Energy, Moments
Kinematic Analysis of Elite Sculling Rowers at Every 500m Intervals 자연과학편 : 엘리트 스컬 종목 조정선수의 500 m 구간별 운동학적 분석
The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in rowing kinematics between every 500 meter using an single scull machine. Four national team sculling rowers(height: 180±7.11 cm, body mass: 78±11.10 kg, career: 6.75±1.70 yrs, personal record: 7min. 24.99±26.96 sec) participated in the test. The findings indicated that the fastest time was found at the finish line(p<.05). The range of motion (ROM) of knee and hip joint appeared to be smaller at the start line compared to other sections while ROM of elbow joint appeared to be greater at the start line compared to 500 meter section (p<.05). In addition, ROM of shoulder joint appeared to be greater at the start line compared to 500 meter and 1000 meter sections (p<.05). Regarding the analysis of asymmetry, greater asymmetric ROM in ankle joint was shown at the start line compared to 1500 m section and finish line (p<.05). The maximum angular velocity of ankle joint appeared to be smaller at the start line compared to 500 meter section while they were greater at the finish line compared to the start line, 500 meter, and 1000 meter sections (p<.05). The maximum angular velocity of elbow joint appeared to be smaller at the start line compared to the finish line (p<.05). Based on the findings, it was concluded that the rowers utilized more upper body compared to the lower body in order to accelerate the boat during first and 500 meter Furthermore, more asymmetric motion of rowers was shown as the distance was increased which may be caused by an increased level of fatigue.
Key Words
indoor rowing machine, rower, asymmetry
A Study on the Validity of Body Fat Measurement Using DIP 자연과학편 : 사진체적추정을 이용한 체지방 측정의 타당화 연구
안한주HanJuAhn , 오수학SuHakOh , 신승윤SeungYunShin
53(5) 487-495, 2014
A Study on the Validity of Body Fat Measurement Using DIP 자연과학편 : 사진체적추정을 이용한 체지방 측정의 타당화 연구
안한주HanJuAhn , 오수학SuHakOh , 신승윤SeungYunShin
This research aims at increasing the field applicability and validity of the method to measure body fat using DIP (Digital Image Plethysmography), which estimates the rate of body fat easily with the relative area calculated with the images of a body's front and sides. To achieve this goal, 48 males (45.06±3.72 yr., 171.56±5.35㎝, 73.02±6.96㎏, 24.34±1.98%BF) and 47 females (45.81±3.27yr., 157.12±4.42㎝, 56.64±6.97㎏, 33.15±2.87%BF), who had no particular physical diseases and weren't taking regular exercises, were selected randomly. Regarding the estimation of body fat, multiple regression analysis was conducted using Stepwise Selection Method to choose optimal variables with the body fat rate measured by DEXA as the dependent variable and with the area of the front and sides calculated by DIP as the independent variable. For the verification of cross validity, 18 males and 17 females of independent samples were substituted to the regression equation, and then the correlation coefficient of body fat rate was calculated. As the result, it was found out that r=.985 and r=.994, and therefore, the DIP method was proved to be valid to measure the rate of body fat of both males and females. Therefore, DIP is concluded to have good field applicability and validity for the measurement of body fat.
Key Words
digital Image plethysmography, dual energy X-ray absorbtiometry, intraclass correlation coefficient
Test of Prediction Model of the Possible Degree on Activities of Daily Living from Spinal Cord Injury 자연과학편 : 척수손상정도에 의한 일상생활활동 가능정도 예측
한태호TaeHoHan , 김대연DaeYeonKim , 한민규MinKyuHan
53(5) 497-509, 2014
Test of Prediction Model of the Possible Degree on Activities of Daily Living from Spinal Cord Injury 자연과학편 : 척수손상정도에 의한 일상생활활동 가능정도 예측
한태호TaeHoHan , 김대연DaeYeonKim , 한민규MinKyuHan
The goal of this research is to verify prediction models related to those with spinal cord disability for the degree of possibility in activities of daily living. 145 adults between the ages of 20's~50's with spinal cord disabilities that reside around the metropolitan area were selected as research subject and the location of the spinal cord injury as well as the degree of possibility in 10 performing daily activities(eating, bathing, washing, excrementing, urinating, dressing, using the restroom, moving from the bed to the chair, walking, using the stairs) were investigated. SPSS 18.0 program was used as the method for processing data in calculating the average and standard deviation, one-way ANOVA, binomial or multinomial logistic regression analysis were conducted and statistical significance level were all set at .05. The results of the prediction model as follows. For degree of spinal cord injury, eating(-2log likelihood=20.12, χ2=13.103, p=.041), bathing(-2log likelihood=37.470, χ2=26.483, p<.001), washing(-2log likelihood=95.350, χ2=26.483, p<.001), dressing(-2log likelihood=52.944, χ2=30.326, p<.001), using the restroom(-2log likelihood=62.968, χ2=41.421, p<.001), moving from the bed to the chair(-2log likelihood=26.124, χ2=43.518, p<.001), walking(-2log likelihood=26.133, χ2=26.070, p=.002), and using the stairs(-2log likelihood=18.585, χ2=18.164, p=.006) were statistically significant.
Key Words
spinal cord injury, activities of daily Living, prediction model
Confirmation regarding Composition of Change of Fat and Muscle Percentage with Age based on Bioelectrical Impedance Method 자연과학편 : BIA(Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis)법에 의한 체지방률과 근육률의 연령증가 변화구도에 관한 검증
Confirmation regarding Composition of Change of Fat and Muscle Percentage with Age based on Bioelectrical Impedance Method 자연과학편 : BIA(Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis)법에 의한 체지방률과 근육률의 연령증가 변화구도에 관한 검증
In this study least squares approximation polynomials were applied to cross-sectional data on body fat percentage and muscle percentage in children from the first grade of elementary school to the third year of middle school (grade 9), measured with bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). The trends with age were then analyzed. Furthermore, the wavelet interpolation method (WIM) was applied and the age at maximum peak velocity (MPV) in body fat percentage and the age at maximum bottom velocity (MBV) in muscle percentage during puberty were investigated. It was found that body fat percentage showed a large increasing tendency while muscle percentage tended to decrease. The age at MPV of body fat percentage was 11.6 years and the age at MBV of muscle percentage was 11.7 years. The MPVs of height and weight were at 11.1 years old and 11.3 years old, respectively. Hence, with regard to the order of pubertal peaks in body composition, the MPV in body fat percentage and MBV of muscle percentage appear after the velocity peaks in height and weight.
Key Words
BIA, Body fat percentage, Muscle percentage, School-age girls, Age-related changes
Effect of dimensionless number and analysis of gait pattern by gender -spatiotemporal variables- 자연과학편 : 보행 분석시 Dimensionless number의 효과 및 성별간 보행패턴 분석 -시공간변인-
53(5) 521-531, 2014
Effect of dimensionless number and analysis of gait pattern by gender -spatiotemporal variables- 자연과학편 : 보행 분석시 Dimensionless number의 효과 및 성별간 보행패턴 분석 -시공간변인-
The purposes of this study were to evaluate the effect of normalization by dimensionless number of Hof(1996) and to analysis the gait pattern for 20s Korean males and females. Subjects are selected in accordance with classification system of Korean standard body figure and age. Experimental equipment is the Motion capture system. Subjects who are walked at a self-selected normal walking speed were photographed using the Motion capture system and analyzed using 3D motion analysis method with OrthoTrak, Cortex, Matlab and SPSS for a statistical test. When used to normalize data, there are no differences of statistical significances between gender in all spatiotemporal variables. I concluded that gait research for mutual comparison requires a normalization by dimensionless number to eliminate the effects of the body size and to accurate statistical analysis.
Sports for All Injury Mechanism and Prevention Program: Review 자연과학편 : 생활체육 부상실태 조사를 통한 원인 규명 및 예방프로그램 개발
이준희JoonHeeLee , 임비오BeeOhLim
53(5) 533-542, 2014
Sports for All Injury Mechanism and Prevention Program: Review 자연과학편 : 생활체육 부상실태 조사를 통한 원인 규명 및 예방프로그램 개발
이준희JoonHeeLee , 임비오BeeOhLim
The more participate in sports for all, the more increase sports injuries. The purpose of the study was to analysis sports injury mechanism through the overview of published articles and developing sports injury prevention program in sports for all field. The published articles were searched with research information service system(RISS) and reported with summarized data. Soccer, badminton, foot volleyball, volleyball, marathon and basketball were representative six sports event. The sports injury prevention program consists of three warm-up items, nine flexibility items, three strengthening items, seven plyometric items, five agility items, five balance items and five cool-down items. Sports injury mechanism were the lack of warm-up and motor skills. The well-made sports injury prevention program were prevention the sports injury in safe and enhanced the self-contentment.
Key Words
sports for all, injury, mechanism, prevention program